Dating Redefined

“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”

Dr. Seuss

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Enjoy a new type of relationshop with the partner you are looking for.

Intimacy involves the feelings of connection, closeness, and bond that people experience in a romantic relationship. During the early phases of a relationship, this often involves sexual intimacy. As the relationship progresses, emotional intimacy takes on a more important role.
This involves the feelings of physical and romantic attraction that people experience when they are in love.
Commitment involves deciding to stay with your partner. People develop shared goals and decide to work toward them together.

We include advance blocking and reporting systems as well as a review system for all members.

Activate or Hide your profile at any stage. You decide on the level of privacy you need.

Hosted on secure servers with your private data security at the top of our priority list.

Worldwide members, Search your home location or for dates while you are on holidays.

Mobile App?

Our platform is already mobile friendly. Use your browser to “Add to Home Screen” and LoveMe.Social will appear just like any other App.